Mini-arpa O'Carolan Harp in noce a 12 corde con leve per affilare
Prezzo normale €218.20Prezzo normalePrezzo unitario per- Delivery in 48 hours within Ireland
- UK and Northern Ireland, Delivery in 3-4 working days
- Rest of Europe delivery in 5-6 working days
- Worldwide customers delivery in 5-9 working days
Note: Delivery time can take a bit longer due to current situation with logistics, limited logistics services, backlogs at the ports and depots.
O'Carolan 5 corde in legno di faggio liscio
Prezzo normale €39.66Prezzo normalePrezzo unitario per- Delivery in 48 hours within Ireland
- UK and Northern Ireland, Delivery in 3-4 working days
- Rest of Europe delivery in 5-6 working days
- Worldwide customers delivery in 5-9 working days
Note: Delivery time can take a bit longer due to current situation with logistics, limited logistics services, backlogs at the ports and depots.
Arpa O'Carolan, nodo in legno di pizzo a 5 corde
Prezzo normale €39.66Prezzo normalePrezzo unitario per- Delivery in 48 hours within Ireland
- UK and Northern Ireland, Delivery in 3-4 working days
- Rest of Europe delivery in 5-6 working days
- Worldwide customers delivery in 5-9 working days
Note: Delivery time can take a bit longer due to current situation with logistics, limited logistics services, backlogs at the ports and depots.
Arpa O'carolan, nodo in palissandro a 5 corde
Prezzo normale €39.66Prezzo normalePrezzo unitario per- Delivery in 48 hours within Ireland
- UK and Northern Ireland, Delivery in 3-4 working days
- Rest of Europe delivery in 5-6 working days
- Worldwide customers delivery in 5-9 working days
Note: Delivery time can take a bit longer due to current situation with logistics, limited logistics services, backlogs at the ports and depots.
Arpa O'carolan, nodo in palissandro a 6 corde
Prezzo normale €44.63Prezzo normalePrezzo unitario per- Delivery in 48 hours within Ireland
- UK and Northern Ireland, Delivery in 3-4 working days
- Rest of Europe delivery in 5-6 working days
- Worldwide customers delivery in 5-9 working days
Note: Delivery time can take a bit longer due to current situation with logistics, limited logistics services, backlogs at the ports and depots.
Arpa O'Carolan, nodo in legno di pizzo a 6 corde
Prezzo normale €44.63Prezzo normalePrezzo unitario per- Delivery in 48 hours within Ireland
- UK and Northern Ireland, Delivery in 3-4 working days
- Rest of Europe delivery in 5-6 working days
- Worldwide customers delivery in 5-9 working days
Note: Delivery time can take a bit longer due to current situation with logistics, limited logistics services, backlogs at the ports and depots.
Arpa Muzikkon O'Carolan, drago celtico in palissandro a 7 corde
Prezzo normale €54.55Prezzo normalePrezzo unitario per- Delivery in 48 hours within Ireland
- UK and Northern Ireland, Delivery in 3-4 working days
- Rest of Europe delivery in 5-6 working days
- Worldwide customers delivery in 5-9 working days
Note: Delivery time can take a bit longer due to current situation with logistics, limited logistics services, backlogs at the ports and depots.
Arpa Muzikkon O'Carolan, nodo in palissandro a 7 corde
Prezzo normale €54.55Prezzo normalePrezzo unitario per- Delivery in 48 hours within Ireland
- UK and Northern Ireland, Delivery in 3-4 working days
- Rest of Europe delivery in 5-6 working days
- Worldwide customers delivery in 5-9 working days
Note: Delivery time can take a bit longer due to current situation with logistics, limited logistics services, backlogs at the ports and depots.
Arpa Muzikkon O'carolan, nodo in palissandro a 8 corde
Prezzo normale €79.34Prezzo normalePrezzo unitario per- Delivery in 48 hours within Ireland
- UK and Northern Ireland, Delivery in 3-4 working days
- Rest of Europe delivery in 5-6 working days
- Worldwide customers delivery in 5-9 working days
Note: Delivery time can take a bit longer due to current situation with logistics, limited logistics services, backlogs at the ports and depots.
Prezzo normale €79.34Prezzo normalePrezzo unitario per- Delivery in 48 hours within Ireland
- UK and Northern Ireland, Delivery in 3-4 working days
- Rest of Europe delivery in 5-6 working days
- Worldwide customers delivery in 5-9 working days
Note: Delivery time can take a bit longer due to current situation with logistics, limited logistics services, backlogs at the ports and depots.
Arpa Muzikkon O'Carolan, drago celtico in palissandro a 9 corde
Prezzo normale €89.26Prezzo normalePrezzo unitario per- Delivery in 48 hours within Ireland
- UK and Northern Ireland, Delivery in 3-4 working days
- Rest of Europe delivery in 5-6 working days
- Worldwide customers delivery in 5-9 working days
Note: Delivery time can take a bit longer due to current situation with logistics, limited logistics services, backlogs at the ports and depots.
Arpa O'Carolan 12 corde in noce
Prezzo normale €188.44Prezzo normalePrezzo unitario per- Delivery in 48 hours within Ireland
- UK and Northern Ireland, Delivery in 3-4 working days
- Rest of Europe delivery in 5-6 working days
- Worldwide customers delivery in 5-9 working days
Note: Delivery time can take a bit longer due to current situation with logistics, limited logistics services, backlogs at the ports and depots.
Arpe O'Carolan in vendita
Ispirate alla modifica di Turlough O'Carolan all'arpa tradizionale, le arpe O'Carolan di Muzikkon sono alcune delle arpe più semplici e facili da imparare disponibili. La loro bassa statura e lo stile di esecuzione unico in cui l'arpista può posizionarle sulle cosce mentre è seduto su una sedia e far scorrere le altre mani su tutta la lunghezza abbastanza facilmente hanno dato alle arpe molta fama durante gli anni in cui Turlough O'Carolan suonava l'arpa e hanno lasciato un segno nella musica. storia per i secoli a venire. Muzikkon è specializzato in queste arpe belle e compatte e ha introdotto una gamma di base accessibile o prezzi che si adattano perfettamente ai nuovi studenti e anche gli arpisti più giovani possono farsi un'idea di questo bellissimo strumento musicale addestrandoli in modo efficiente per lo stile molto più grande e complesso delle arpe . L'arpa Muzikkon base, 6 corde in palissandro annodata è disponibile a un prezzo molto basso oppure puoi scegliere anche quella a 7 o 8 corde per un prezzo non molto elevato. Man mano che i giovani studenti si istruiscono con questo strumento musicale in stile festoso, è possibile progredire verso l'arpa Muzikkon O'Carolan, il nodo in palissandro a 11 corde o la bellissima arpa Heartland Trinity a 12 corde in noce. Tutte le arpe O'Carolan di Muzikkon sono belle ed eleganti e sono disponibili in diversi colori e tipi di legno. Questi possono essere facilmente posizionati nei soggiorni per fornire i loro bellissimi disegni come oggetti decorativi quando non vengono utilizzati e possono essere immediatamente raccolti dagli arpisti per produrre musica affascinante quando richiesto. Dai un'occhiata ai nostri accessori per arpa, comprese le borse che possono rendere il trasporto molto più semplice e che tu stia frequentando le tue lezioni di arpa o andando a una riunione di famiglia o di amici, questi renderanno molto facile viaggiare con le arpe imballate.
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