28 String Claddagh Harp Walnut
Claddagh Harps designed in Dublin, Ireland, are known for their larger frames, round back bodies/soundboxes, fine craftsmanship, and rich tonal qualities. These harps are designed to meet the needs of musicians at all levels, whether they are performing, practicing, or displaying harps.
Muzikkon Claddagh Harps are known for their ability to project clear resonant tones.These harps provide consistent sound quality whether you are performing at a concert or practicing at home. Easily adjustable levers and balanced frames ensure precise tuning and ease of use.
Our 28 String Claddagh Harps remain an excellent travel harp, despite having more strings. Harps are lightweight, compact, and convenient to carry. Whether you play this harp with extended legs or without, you can enjoy it wherever you are!
- 28 special lever harp strings
- 28 quick release sharpening levers
- The Strings and Levers are colored according to the notes for easy play
- Solid Walnut Frame ( Frame and Soundbox )
- Solid Sprucewood Soundboard
Soundbox with a round back: The round back soundbox greatly enhances the sound quality
- Stainless steel hardware is used on this harp (String holders, Pins, Levers)
- Easy to play for beginners with medium gauged strings
- Height: with legs 45" (114.3 cm), without legs 38" (96.52 cm)
- Note range: 5th Oct C to 1st Oct B
- Chromatic scale: C3-B6
- 4 Octaves
- Detachable Legs
- Tuning tool and a padded gig bag included with this harp